ITODA.COM フォト・ギャラリー
 (Trail Summits of Yosemite)
Original photo collection of sceneries with, from and around Trail Summits (Passes, High Passes, Trail Passes) of Sierra Nevada Mountains (Sierra Nevada, Sierra Nevada Range) and subranges, located in Yosemite National Park (Tuolumne, Mariposa and Madera Counties, California, USA).

ロック・アイランド・パス (ロック・アイランド峠、Rock Island Pass)
Kettle Peak and Snow Lake
from Rock Island Pass
Rock Island Pass Trail
into Yosemite Nationa Park

ミュール・パス (ミュール峠、Mule Pass)
Sawtooth Ridge, Matterhotn Peak, Finger Peaks
and Mount Conness from Mule Pass

ビュロ・パス (ビュロ峠、Burro Pass)
Matterhorn Peak
and Burro Pass
from Burro Pass Trail
Sawtooth Ridge
from Burro Pass
Matterhorn Peak,
Whorl Mountain
and Burro Pass

バージニア・パス (バージニア峠、Virginia Pass)

カセドラル・パス (カセドラル峠、Cathedral Pass)
Cathedral Pass and
John Muir Trail
Cathedral Peak from
near Cathedral Pass

トゥオルミ・パス (トゥオルミ峠、Tuolumne Pass)

グレイシャー・ポイント (グレーシャー・ポイント、Glacier Point)
Sentinel Falls
and Four Mile
Trailhead off
Southside Drive
Tenaya Canyon, Half Dome
and Glacier Point
from Four Mile Trail
Glacier Point

ビューポイント (Viewpoints) [フォト・ギャラリー]
Liberty Cap and Nevada Fall
from Clark Point
Merced River, Mist Trail
and Vernal Fall from
Vernal Fall Overlook
Nevada Fall and
Nevada Fall Overlook
Half Dome from viewpoint
along Panorama Trail
Half Dome from
Glacier Point Trail
Taft Point Trailhead
off Glacier Point Road
Half Dome and Yosemite
Valley from Columbia Point
Yosemite Valley,
Upper Yosemite Fall and
Yosemite Falls Overlook
Clouds Rest, North Dome
and Half Dome
from Yosemite Point
Wawona Point
above Mariposa Grove
Quarter Domes and Half
Dome from Olmsted
Point Scenic Overlook
Polly Dome, Medlicott
Dome and Tenaya Peak
from Olmsted Point
Scenic Overlook
ヨセミテ (Yosemite)
山脈 (Ranges)
山・峰 (Peaks)
High Passes
サミット (Summits)
氷河 (Glaciers)
High Lakes
峡谷 (Canyons)
渓谷・盆地 (Valleys...)
Meadows & Flats
トレイル (Trails)
道路 (Roads)
ハイウェイ (Highways)
Scenic Byways
Vista Points
ビレッジ (Villages)

Sequoia & Kings Canyon


Northern Sierra
Southern Sierra

[ English | 日本語 ]

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