ITODA.COM イースタン・シエラ フォト・アルバム
アラバマ・ヒルズ & マンザナール
 (Alabama Hills & Manzanar)
Album of photos from a driving (photo-taking) trip to Alabama Hills and Manzanar National Historic Site located in Eastern Sierra, the eastern side of Sierra Nevada Mountains (March 2007).

Day 1 - Highway 178 & Highway 395 to Lone Pine
Olancha Peak
from Sage Flat Road
Mt. Langley, Lone Pine Peak,
Mt. Whitney and Diaz Lake
Lone Pine Peak
and Whitney Portal Road

Day 2 - Alabama Hills & Manzanar
Lone Pine Peak
and Mount Whitney
from Whitney Portal Road
Mount Whitney
from Movie Road
Lone Pine Peak
and Mount Whitney
from Alabama Hills
Mount Williamson
and Manzanar National
Historic Site entrance
Mount Williamson
and Manzanar Cemetery
in Manzanar N.H.S.
Mono Lake
from Mono Lake Vista
near Conway Summit
Cottonwood Lakes
Virginia Lakes &
 Summit Lake
Saline Valley
Big Pine Lakes
Hall Natural Area &
 Mammoth Lakes
Piute Pass Trail
Ruby Lake &
 Mono Pass
Kearsarge Pass
Tioga Lake &
 June Lake Loop
Death Valley ('06)
Saline Valley ('06)
Treasure Lakes Trail
Alabama Hills &
Day 1
Day 2
Sonora Pass &
 Mono Lake
Lone Pine &
 Upper Boy Scout Lake
Alabama Hills &
 Southern Sierra
North Fork Lone Pine
Death Valley ('08)
Virginia Lakes &
 Crystal Lake Trail
Manzanar &
 Ancient Bristlecone
 Pine Forest
Death Valley ('09)

Yosemite/Eastern Sierra


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